WHINY BITCH RICCARDO BOSI "Massive Pain, Bank Accounts Zeroed"

1 year ago

This video highlights Ric Bosi crying and whining about Australians not taking him and his messaging seriously. According to Ric, we're all a bunch of football and beer addicts who want to be left alone to pay our mortgages. Instead, we should be hanging on Bosi's words for dear life and doing whatever it is he thinks we need to be doing.

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"Sound of Freedom" was playing in a cinema just down the road. Eight people turned up, apparently. Eight.

Their digital currency will evaporate and so people will cry in the corner. The fight has gone out of half this country, about half. The fight's gone out of it.

And we had all sorts of grifters from the freedom movement, all of whom and I can say this without a word of contradiction, without risk of contradiction. Everybody in the freedom movement, bar Dave Graham and his mob and the A1, they're in there for themselves because they're not talking about the "pedos" and not talking about the big issues.

25.69 million people better wake up and actually have the courage to stand their ground and say no. Dave's done it. Countless of us have done it and paid. And that's fine. We don't mind.

And so it's down tools, find whatever excuse you have. Just bring this country to a standstill, make it ungovernable. Everybody cheered and went straight back to work on Monday.

And here's the tip. Digital soldiers are important, but they won't win this war. You got to understand that. Likes does not translate into action. I contested a a by-election for a federal seat five years ago. I think it's five years ago or whatever it was. Eden-Monaro was the seat. And I was getting something like half a million hits on Twitter. Good numbers for a nobody. And I was a nobody. Guess how many votes that translated into? I'll give you a clue. It's slightly less than one.

You've got to stand there and risk arrest. You've got to stand there and risk a punch in the nose. You've got to stand there now. Enough. A lot of people have done it. If you haven't stood up with a placard and stared down the cops, you haven't done enough.Statement of fact, folks.

Fuck BRICS. We are a sovereign nation. Now, if you want to win this, start behaving like a sovereign people. But you're not. You're behaving like a bunch of slaves.

You will fail Australia. You will lose this war.

And you people are more interested in the football. You're more interested in your beer. You're more interested in legalizing marijuana than you are for fighting for your kids. People like myself and Dave and countless others have sacrificed everything because we know what it takes to win a war. You people don't. You are going to lose your country. And you know what? I think most of you don't care.

I think most of you really don't care. All you want to do is pay your mortgage and be left alone. Well, you're not going to be left alone. Your bank will be zeroed. I warned you years ago.

I've been trying to work out with my bride and forgive me for going on a bit, but this has been a long time coming. The Australian people need to hear this. We paint a picture of what we think this country should be. And I'm not trying to get votes from people. I'm painting a picture of what this country should be. And then you come to us. I'm not giving you jack. I'm giving you the opportunity to fight for yourself, to stand up for yourself for the first time in your miserable, lazy lives.

Australians, for better or for worse, you got to rip the band aid off. You know, slap them across the face and say: "wake up, come with me, I'm dragging you forward." You'll be screaming.

And you know what? You deserve it. And you need it. The Americans fought their war in 1776. They have a history we never did. We're about to.

That's my wrap up, I think of what's going to happen soon. Massive pain. And it's going to take a hell of a lot to shift the Australian people.

You are an appalling group of 25.69 million wastes of space. And people shouldn't get offended, this is just a statement of fact. You are lazy sons of bitches. You will die. Your kids will die. The country will die because we don't deserve this place.

Because you're too fucking stupid to do your research. And once again, if you think that my language is inappropriate. Really? Compared to what?

Welcome to Australia. Thick as two short planks. And you know what? I don't care what you think.

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