My First Full Time Job | Training Days | My Journey | Canada Vlogs

1 year ago

I have finally found my dream job in Canada, but my journey was far from normal.
Immigrating to a new country is a big step in one’s life. But if done rightly, it can lead to a lifetime of happiness, a better life and a chance to live your dreams. After working for more than seven years in India, I decided to immigrate to Canada to explore Western culture. Although I was a bit anxious to find a job in my field in a completely new world, I was still pretty confident that I would be able to get a good job in Canada sooner or later.Tips to find a job in Canada as a new immigrant
1. Resume is key

Your experience plays a major role but how you present it in your resume is even more important. Therefore, a Canadian-style resume is the first essential step to get the attention of a hiring manager. Focus on highlighting your best features in your resume, customize it for the job description, and in the Canadian style. Network with people in your desired or chosen field to learn about the Canadian market of your particular field.

2. Apply directly through the company website

Most of the immigrants I connected with during my job search said that they got their first job by directly applying on the company website. This was true for me as well. Out of the interview calls that I had received, most of them were through direct application.

3. Strategically identify the companies, recruiters and people you should be trying to connect with

Reaching out to targeted people from my field helped me to understand my field from the perspective of Canadian professionals and potential hiring managers. Connecting with them helped me to understand the best part of my profile and if there were any weak areas to work on.

4. Patience is vital

It is very natural to get demoralized when there is complete silence from all the companies that you may have applied to. Being rejected after getting interviewed is even more heartbreaking, especially when you haven’t had a job for months. Keep putting in the effort and don’t give up. It’s just a matter of time.

5. Time of landing and job search are extremely important

There were almost no job opportunities from November until January. From what I understand, this is due to the Canadian business cycle slowing down around the winter holidays, and the impact of COVID. Things started picking up in February and by March I was getting calls for multiple interviews. Since I accepted my current job, I have said “no” to more new job opportunities than the number of “noes” I had received after the interviews.

6. Finally, keep dreaming and never give up

As a general note, just be strong and always believe in yourself. The decision to immigrate to any new country is a big and bold step. There might be many difficulties along the path but you didn't come this far just to quit midway when faced with some challenges. Don’t give up or lose hope. Nothing can or should deter you from your dreams. Keep trying until you accomplish your goal. Once you make it, enjoy your success— and dream again.
#newjob #jobincanada #myfirstvlog #canadajobs

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