10 Min. Webinar - All About Freedom Place

1 year ago

We are launching June 10th, 10AM EST, from Bishop Leon Benjamin's Mens Meeting In Richmond Virginia. We are restoring economic freedom to people and small businesses. The world does not need another buy American marketplace. We're all for buy American marketplaces, but they deal with symptoms, not the cause.

Twitter, Google, Youtube, Facebook... even Myspace got rich off all of us passing their links. We got nothing. With Freedom Place, we've monetized the texting or emailing of a link in a new way. We're all connected. What we need, what we've built, is something to unlock the economic potential of our collective connectivity... our phone contacts, email contacts, social media friends...

That it takes back control of the marketplace is the side benefit. That it makes money for you and your family in a new way is the purpose. And it does just that.

Find out what Get 10 & Win means. (It rhymes. It's easier to remember...)

Imagine walking in a room and saying, "My Youtube Channel has 10 subscribers!" They would laugh you back out of the room, right? With Freedom Place, we've changed the rules. Ten is a big number. Anyone can get 10, and fast.

We've changed the rules of buying and selling.

He who makes the rules wins.

This video is intended for news and educational purposes only
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Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

Fair use is a doctrine in United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, such as commentary criticism, news reporting, research teaching or scholarship. It provides for the legal, non-licensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author's work under a four-factor balancing test.

We are not soliciting any sort of sales or revenue with this material. It is purely for the educational purposes of the Global Freedom Community.

That they may awaken and unite with singularity of purpose.

Which they will... And are already doing.

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