Opie and Anthony: Denying Ian's claim on Sandra Bullock. 4/7/10

1 year ago

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All about Sandra Bullock. Ian claims she had a sex tape.

Opie wants the story. She insists that there is no sex tape.

She is unhappy. "This is why we have Ian Halperin on the show."

Describing the acts. What a thing to hear while making the bed.

Ant thinks that Ian is "skating."

Larry Flynt and how he was sued over parody.

Ian Halperin is finally on the phone.

Ant has questions. Of course he does.

Is Ian hiding? He claims that he is not.

He stands by what he claims. More questions.

"My opinion doesn't matter. I'm just a journalist."

Ant talks about Bullock's "squeaky clean" image.

What was hard to grasp.

Ian refuses to back down. "Let me talk for a second."

"She didn't do due diligence here."

Jesse James=dead ringer for trouble.

"Love is such a weird thing..."

Caller. He has questions. Bar Mitzvah?

What predictions came true.

"I don't pretend to be a reporter like Ian does."

Who wrote Demolition Man? Relevance?

Ian is asked about the Jim Carey break-up?

Someone is opting for a "sex change".

Kevin Spacey? Nope. Who else?

Opie claims he has the answer.

Caller. "Is it Mike Myers?"

TIL, you weren't allowed to look at him. Ant never understood that.

"I lost total respect for him."

Jim's guess. "Hillary Swank."

"I'll leave you guys on that..."


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