You DOn't Need THEM

10 months ago

Who Are These That Pretend To Be Better Than You, To Tell You How You Should Live Your Life ?! Many Go From Cradle to Grave And Never Even Question It. Then There Are Those Of Us Who Started Questioning The Moment We Were Popped Out of The Womb. And Then To Spend a Life in A System Of Zombies That Just Tell You To Shut Up And Obey. Enough Is Enough Has Already Been For Me. I Have Had No More Patience Or Time For The Liars And Their Bullshit. Those With No Integrity Doth Elevate Themselves As Your Superiors Only In Illusion. Stand As The Living Soul Of Yourself To Cancel Out The Illusion Of Power They Do Not Actually Have, For They Are Dead. Click On Full Screen View In Your Rumble Player.

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