Miles Guo Gets Accurate Intel on the CCP

1 year ago

08/26/2023 NFSC Speaks Infiltration Files: Miles Guo and the Whistleblowers’ Movement of the NFSC got very accurate Intels on the CCP. Miles said that the CCP's real estate sector will collapse in July 2023. President Xi probably would just intentionally burst the real estate bubble of 100 trillion RMB, and the world economy will face a huge financial crisis even worse than 2008. When the tension comes to a certain point, Xi will just confiscate all the $7 trillion investment from the US.
08/26/2023 新中国联邦Infiltration Files节目:郭文贵及新中国联邦爆料革命精确掌握关于中共的情报。郭文贵曾揭露中共的房地产将在2023年7月爆雷,习近平可能会故意引爆100万亿人民币的房地产泡沫,世界经济将会遇到比2008年更严重的金融危机。当紧张局势达到一定程度时,习将没收所有美国在中共国投资的7万亿美元。

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