The CCP is small and weak and people need to realize that

1 year ago

08/26/2023 NFSC Speaks Infiltration Files: The CCP is small and weak. We need to wake up from our misconceptions about the CCP. There are a lot of forces behind Fauci and others, and many of them are controlled or bribed by the CCP. And if you want to understand how much influence the CCP has in the US, go to a CCP embassy or somewhere like that and protest, and you'll see how quickly US government agents show up.
08/26/2023 新中国联邦Infiltration Files节目:中共就是个纸老虎。我们需要从对中共的错误认识中醒悟过来。福奇等人背后牵扯的势力很大,很多人都是被中共控制或者贿赂的。而如果你想了解中共在美国的势力有多大,可以去中共大使馆之类的地方抗议,你会看到美国政府人员出现得有多快。

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