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Roy: The focus of BRICS for Xi is to build a new world order

1 year ago

08/25/2023 Roy on Outside the Beltway: The focus of BRICS for Xi is to build a new world order. It's about the de-dollarization and internationalization of the RMB. If that ever happened, the US would lose its power to maintain such a massive military force to protect its geopolitical interests as well as those of its allies, and the specter of communism would have the whole world.
08/25/2023 罗伊做客Outside the Beltway:对习近平来说,金砖国家的主要目的是建立一个新的世界秩序。这事关去美元化和人民币国际化。如果这一目的真的达成,美国将失去维持其庞大军队的实力,从而无法保护自己以及盟友的地缘政治利益。届时,共产主义将会侵占整个世界。


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