The BRICS Help the CCP to Undermine the USD System

1 year ago

08/24/2023 Aila on Steve Gruber Show: The BRICS nations, including five evil axes of countries, they all kowtow to the CCP, and the CCP would be considered as the boss. A few years ago, when President Biden was trying to negotiate with Saudi Arabia for a cheaper price of the oil supply, Saudi Arabia was actually making a deal with the CCP and considered to utilize the internationalization of the Chinese yuan, and they even tell the CCP that this would cause extreme damage to the US economy and US commodity prices.
08/24/2023 小飞象做客Steve Gruber Show:金砖国家,包括这五个邪恶轴心国家,都对中共唯命是从,中共可视为这些国家的老板。几年前,当拜登总统试图与沙特谈判降低石油供应价格时,沙特实际上正在与中共达成交易,考虑人民币国际化。沙特甚至告诉中共,这将极大破坏美国的经济和商品价格。

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