Kathleen: The COVID Pandemic is a Well Orchestrated Crisis

10 months ago

08/23/2023 Kathleen, host of Winn Tucson China Watch: A government transparency group, The Open The Books’ report found that at least 59 payments originated from the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products. There is so much commingling and corruption to prop up the pandemic shutdown. This was a well-orchestrated crisis, a health crisis that appears to be funded in part by U.S. corporations in coordination with the Chinese Communist Party and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
08/23/2023 《温图森中国观察》节目主持人凯瑟琳:政府透明度组织Open The Books发布的报告显示,至少有59笔汇给美国国立卫生院(NIH)雇员的付款来自武汉生物制品研究所。有太多的猫腻和腐败促成了疫情乱局。这是一场精心策划的危机,一场似乎部分由美国公司与中共和武毒所共同资助的健康危机。

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