You have a job to do (Day Laborers in the vineyard Matthew 20:1-16)

9 months ago

You have a job to do (Day Laborers in the vineyard Matthew 20:1-16)
The parable of the labors in the vineyard was given by Jesus as way for the people to understand how the Kingdom of Heaven functions. The parable obviously gets the point across that God is in complete control and will do what He wants to do with what is His, but I find something else that sticks out in my mind. It is the concept that the owner of the vineyard (symbolic of God) seems to expect everyone to be working in His field. When he goes back to the marketplace at the eleventh hour, he sees individuals standing by and simple poses the question, “Why stand ye here all day idle?” Does this mean that God is expecting everyone to be working on behalf of His Kingdom? The owner of the field gave everyone he encountered an opportunity to work in His field and to me seemed a little surprised that this late in the day there was some who was still idle and not working.
You don’t have to be involved in church long to realize that the 90/10 rule applies most everywhere. 90 percent of the work is completed by 10 percent or less of the people. This stands out to me because the parable seems to imply that God is expecting everyone to be working and for no one to be idle on behalf of His Kingdom. 2 Corinthians 5:20 says that we are ambassadors for Christ, implying that we are here conducting business or working on His behalf. Other parables by Jesus, such as the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), implies not only that God expects everyone to be working on His behalf but He is angry when He comes back to finds that they have not been doing so. I for one believe that God has a plan and purpose for each one of His followers and this plan does not include taking up space in pews for the entirety of your existence. He has expectations and work for all His followers and never wishes to see them standing by idle. This does not mean that everyone must be a preacher, bible teacher, or missionary but it does mean that God’s Kingdom has a purpose and work for all of us to find fulfillment in. Any time we find our self-doing nothing when it comes to the things of God then it is safe to say that we are no longer in the will of God. We don’t want to stand before God on judgement day and have him ask us, why where you not working?

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