Tucker Carlson, “I love the US, it’s my country. I was born there…

1 year ago

Tucker Carlson - The Unsustainable United States is Ran by Dangerous & Insane People enforcing Boutique Sexual Politics: “The State Department wants you to worship Transvestites”

“The United States is in a place right now where this is not sustainable.

You can’t run a global empire based on the imposition of notified sexual politics on countries that don’t want them…>

To wake up one morning 35 years later and see my own government engaged in the same type of tyranny…

The soviets told you you had to worship Lennon. The State Department now tells you have to worship transvestites..>

You show up in a country & say, “You know what, your boys really should be girls”….

There’s some percentage of the prospect of never having grandchildren. But most people won’t be excited by that and might say boys can’t become girls, it’s biologically impossible…>

If the purpose of your empire is selling something nobody wants, you’re not going to be in business very long…>

I love the US, it’s my country. I was born there & I’m never leaving, but the people that are running it right now are dangerous and insane!”

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