Analogs Overview

1 year ago

Analog Missions:
Analog missions involve sending teams of scientists, engineers, and sometimes astronauts to remote or extreme environments on Earth to simulate conditions experienced during space missions. These missions help researchers study various aspects of space travel, such as isolation, confinement, communication delays, and resource limitations. Some well-known analog missions include:

HI-SEAS (Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation): Conducted in Hawaii, HI-SEAS simulates Mars missions by placing crew members in a geodesic dome on the slopes of a volcano for extended periods. The goal is to study the psychological and physiological effects of isolation and confinement.

NEEMO (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations): NEEMO takes place in the Aquarius Underwater Laboratory off the coast of Florida. Aquanauts live and work underwater for weeks at a time to simulate space missions, test equipment, and conduct research on marine life.

Desert RATS (Research and Technology Studies): This involves testing vehicles, robotics, and spacesuit prototypes in desert environments

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