The new poll that’s bad news for Trump Duration: 05:42 minutes

9 months ago

The new poll that’s bad news for Trump Duration: 05:42
Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, has a complex history that spans both his business career and his time in politics. Here are some key points:

Business Ventures: Before entering politics, Trump was primarily known as a real estate developer and businessman. He built and managed various properties, including hotels, casinos, and luxury apartments.

The Apprentice: Trump gained wider fame through his reality TV show "The Apprentice," where contestants competed in business-related tasks. His catchphrase "You're fired!" became iconic.

Political Career: Trump announced his candidacy for the 2016 U.S. presidential election as a Republican. His campaign focused on issues like immigration, trade, and national security.

Election and Presidency: Despite controversies and skepticism, Trump won the 2016 election against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. His presidency was marked by policy shifts, including tax reform, deregulation, and the nomination of three Supreme Court justices.

Controversies: Trump's presidency was also characterized by numerous controversies, including his approach to immigration, his rhetoric, and his interactions with foreign leaders.

Impeachment: Trump was impeached twice by the House of Representatives. The first impeachment in 2019 was related to his dealings with Ukraine. The second impeachment in 2021 was for his role in the January 6th Capitol riot.

2020 Election: Trump sought re-election in 2020 but lost to Democratic candidate Joe Biden. He contested the election results, alleging widespread voter fraud, but his claims were not substantiated.

Social Media: Trump extensively used Twitter during his presidency to communicate directly with the public. However, he was permanently banned from several social media platforms after the Capitol riot.

Legacy: Trump's presidency remains a topic of debate. Supporters praise his economic policies and unconventional approach, while critics point to his divisive rhetoric and handling of certain issues.

Please note that this overview is not exhaustive and focuses on some of the significant events and aspects of Trump's history up until my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021.

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