Is Equilibrium Possible? | The Nirvana Fallacy

10 months ago

#economics #method #equilibrium

It’s impossible to ever achieve equilibrium. Equilibrium is a goal entrepreneurs strive to. However, this goal is never reached. The pseudo-economists will use a formula to achieve equilibrium. This must be wrong—always. This apparent perfect state is based on arbitrary value judgments. The state of nirvana is a fantasy. In equilibrium there wouldn’t be any action, and man would be a vegetable.

There can’t be any change in equilibrium. History is nothing but change. History must be destroyed. Any change will distort equilibrium. Basically, action will create disequilibrium and ruin perfection. So, if you act, and every human on earth does, you are ruining perfection and can be branded as a traitor. Acting goes against the state’s goals. Any attempt to try and improve your situation—or even keep it the same—makes you the enemy.

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