5-Step Process To Build a 7-Figure Dropshipping Store (Dropship Unlocked Podcast Episode 24)

8 months ago

Get your copy of Lewis’ new book - The Home-Turf Advantage ➡️ https://www.htabook.com/

🗣 We're about to unveil a roadmap to turn your eCommerce dreams into reality - building a 7-figure dropshipping store.

Lewis takes us through his remarkable journey and the five essential steps that can propel you to own a thriving multiple 7-figure business.

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Topics Discussed:
★ The Crucial Role of Mindset: Lewis highlights the paramount significance of a delusionally optimistic mindset for those aspiring to reach 7 figures. He explains how believing in your potential and thinking big is the cornerstone of success.
★ Laying the Right Foundations: Building on the right foundation is akin to constructing a house on concrete instead of sand. Lewis shares tactical foundations, including niche selection, robust eCommerce tools, and operational procedures, that pave the way for scalability.
★ Effective Marketing Strategies: James and Lewis dissect the power of marketing in scaling a dropshipping business. They delve into strategies such as Google Ads, Meta retargeting, and email campaigns, all of which can help identify target audiences and drive sales.
management, and the creation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
★ Crafting a Step-by-Step Action Plan: In a comprehensive wrap-up, Lewis lays out an actionable plan for those ready to embark on their 7-figure journey. This includes belief, setting goals, laying foundations, and immersing in a supportive community.

Links and Resources Mentioned:

For Aspiring Business Owners or Side Hustle Seekers Based In the UK…

New Book Reveals How To Launch A Low-Maintenance High-Profit E-Commerce Business Using The UK "Home-Turf Advantage”…

While also enjoying more time with your family, being free to travel, and setting the hours you work.

Click here to get your copy - https://www.htabook.com/


Key Takeaways:

★ Laying the right foundations with proper niche selection, robust eCommerce tools, and operational procedures sets the stage for successful scaling.
★ Marketing strategies like Google Ads, Meta retargeting, and email campaigns are essential for identifying target audiences and driving sales.
★ Efficient scaling operations involve automation, effective team management, and the creation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to streamline processes.
★ Overcoming challenges and milestones play a crucial role in the journey to 7 figures, involving strategic hiring, community-building, and mastering financial management.
★ An actionable step-by-step plan involves believing in your potential, setting goals, laying strong foundations, embracing a supportive community, and leveraging a system like Lewis' book - ‘The Home-Turf Advantage’.



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Twitter: https://twitter.com/DropshipUnlockd
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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/dropshipunlockedlewissmith
Website: https://www.dropshipunlocked.com/

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How to Launch a UK Dropshipping Business Offering Next-Day Delivery...
...Even If You Don't Yet Know Which Products To Sell
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