Author Talk: Talking with Judi about her book, Emerging Warrior Bride (Promo)

1 year ago

You can find my interview with Judi Valencia on my YouTube channel. You can click on the following link: It should take you directly to the interview. If the link doesn't work, you can find it on my channel page.

My name is Barry and I’m the owner of Christianity Explained. What is Christianity Explained? It’s an online ministry where I provide book reviews catering to a Christian audience. I, also provide some theological teachings through the Inspiration Point Podcast. On the CE Talk Show Podcast, you’ll see interviews with pastors and others in the Christian community.

To do this, I need your support. YouTube is free; however, the books, equipment and streaming services are not free. You can help this ministry by clicking on the Buy Me Coffee link:

Please know, I am in the Amazon Associate program. I am not a sponsor for any of the products below. However, I do earn a small commission from purchases on Amazon. Aside from the books and possible audiobooks, I’m including links to the gears that I’m using.

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