Life Force Leeching, Harvestation and Interference Empowerment!

8 months ago


Welcome to another video with Bailey

In this video Bailey discusses:
• Common occurrences with Life Force Leeching, Harvestation and Interference and how life force is experienced through the realms
•Understanding life force differences and cultivating understanding, discernment and respect for your life force and others
•Why there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of in these circumstances and once we have a little bit of knowledge and wisdom we can navigate these situations with grace and a sense of humor!
•Why fear based teachings on leeching and interference are disempowering and not to be listened to - once you have discernment and good commonsense boundaries life is easier to navigate through the realms of life force!

Note: I am making this video for my younger self ( and everyone else) - I wish I had this wisdom and guidance from an empowered perspective when I was younger! I came across very disempowering teachings ( and disempowered individuals) on such things and it does not have to be this way!

Your Life Force is yours!

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Bailey is clairvoyant spirit medium , healing channel and "bridge" to the The Spirit World and The Higher Dimensions.
She had a dream to set up this channel and so she did!
She is based in New Zealand.


B x

DISCLAIMER: Bailey is a psychic medium and healer thus works as a "bridge" for higher energies and works with energetics. She is not a trained psychologist, dietitian, doctor or therapist. Bailey's advice, guidance and healing sessions are supportive and complementary in their use. She is not responsible for actions you take after ingesting this information. She asks you to use your common sense and tune in to what feels right and just for you.

#lifeforce #lifeforceenergy #lifeforcehealing #healing #energyhealing #energywork #entities #spiritattachments #psychicinterference #energyleeching

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