Fiamme Nere - The Anthem of the Arditi

11 months ago

I own nothing, all credits go to FBIV. Original description below.


The Arditi ("Daring Ones", or Fiamme Nere, "Black Banners") were one of the main elite forces of the Italian Army during World War One, together with the Bersaglieri (Crimson Banners), and the Alpini (Green Banners). They were known for being extremely daring, rushing into enemy trenches with nothing more than a dagger and a grenade, and fighting until death, if necessary. These guys (together with the brave Alpini) were the main responsibles for striking fear and mangling the Habsburg armies.
Their importance to Fascism is huge, as one of their leaders, Gabriele D'Annunzio, il Vate, was reponsible for the first Fascist Regime in History, the Regency of Carnaro, and for fashioning the ideology, which would later be expanded by the Duce, Mussolini and his faithful men.
Their mottos and battle cries were adopted by Mussolini and the Blackshirts, and most of the Arditi Veterans joined the Fasci as soon as they were created.
Eternal glory to those who rode with Death in order to protect Italy!


Mamma non piangere, c'è l'avanzata,
tuo figlio è forte, su in alto il cuor!
Asciuga il pianto, mia fidanzata,
ché nell'assalto si vince o si muor.

Avanti Ardito, le Fiamme Nere
son come simbolo delle tue schiere;
scavalca i monti, divora il piano,
pugnal fra i denti, le bombe a mano!

Fiamme nere avanguardia di morte,
siam vessillo di lotte e di orror,
siamo l'orgoglio mutato in coorte,
per difender d'Italia l'onor.

Avanti Ardito, le Fiamme Nere
son come simbolo delle tue schiere;
scavalca i monti, divora il piano,
pugnal fra i denti, le bombe a mano!

Una stella ci guida, la sorte,
e ci avvincon tre fiamme d'onor,
tre parole di fede e di morte:
il pugnale, la bomba ed il cuor.

Avanti Ardito, le Fiamme Nere
son come simbolo delle tue schiere;
scavalca i monti, divora il piano,
pugnal fra i denti, le bombe a mano!

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