Global race war on the poor and words.

1 year ago

Spoiler Alert!!!
Elon will not fight Mark.
I leave this record in an attempt to reach the lost and found who are still tuning in and coping out in a refusal to to see themselves in their true, given, learned and assimilated, carbon copy form.

We have moved so far beyond the influencers and gatekeepers now so we must continue but always leave a trail to follow for those of courage.
I am thankful to all who left a trail for me, even the pissed-on-breadcrumbs that opened my eyes to all ruses.

It takes wisdom to admit to wrongs.
And it takes strength to admit truths to others.
So why do so many lack the will?
They have none left, none that can ever be free again anyhow.
What does that mean of us?
It means we can become a light to follow,
Leaving a path through the darkness.
If none follow, be patient,
For once their time has come they will seek the light of truth,
They will never again be left alone to wonder the night.
Whatever we are, labelled and cursed,
We we're chosen but never the first.

It is time for the background extra's to have a say in how the script is written and plays out.
So do it for you and use it to beat the bastards and take back was was always stolen and denied us as a species, Soul, experiencing being human.
The only way we can have true freedom to become is by choosing it and becoming of it.

"Oooer, that were deep wann'it?"

Much L❤ve


The future will either understand me or hang me.
Have y'seen ma turkey neck, g'iz a break!"
"Oh by'the'way hen, am hung like Saddam Hussain y'ken...I'll ride yer spine te dust!"

Attempted humour from my sick mind.

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