BENEDICT XVI WAS IN AN IMPEDED SEAT: Ravenna, Another Ultra-Catholic Banner Appears in the Sky.👇

10 months ago

RAVENNA, Another Ultra-Catholic Banner Appears in the Sky.

A mysterious inscription appeared today at lunchtime in the skies over the Ravenna shores, written in large letters on a banner carried by a private plane: "BENEDICT XVI WAS IN AN IMPEDED SEAT". The reference is to the technical jargon of canon law used in recent years by Ultra-Catholic movements to claim that Pope Ratzinger had somehow been induced to resign his pontificate in 2011 and for which Francis, during the 11 years he spent on the throne of Peter while Benedict XVI was still alive, would have been nothing but an anti-pope. And even after Ratzinger's death at the end of 2022, for Catholic extremists Bergoglio's position would still not be legitimised. These diatribes exacerbate the opposition between traditionalists, who see in Benedict their favourite, and pro-Francis innovators. It is a fact that today, on the beaches of the Ravenna and Cervia shores, everyone noticed the passage of the plane with the singular banner. And there was no lack of "vindication" either: the Facebook page dedicated to Andrea Cionci's book "The Ratzinger Code" had been giving its supporters an "appointment on the coast from Caorle to Fano" for days, with a promise: "You will watch history".

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