PSP Collection and Discussion

9 months ago

This is my PSP Collection for 2023 thru 2024, because I don't really see myself buying any new PlayStation Portable games in the near future. Especially at my age. I'm happy with what titles I have. Forgive me, I was a little tired when I filmed this. I hadn't had any coffee yet. So I may sound a bit groggy and off. Then when I put it through Video Editor 11, the file got corrupted. Then, later on, I lost the file and had to retrieve the original version from the micro SD on my handicam.

What can I say about the PSP? Some great fighting games, racing games, RPGs, and dungeon crawlers. Not to mention a TON of Monster Hunter style clones and arcade classics or compilations with great graphics and blazing visuals for its time period. Plus, you could take movies and TV shows with you on the go (portably) in the form of UMDs: Universal Media Discs. Today I will show you 40 UMDs for the PSP you might NOT have seen. And while it may not have dethroned the Nintendo DS between 2005-2012, the PSP still sold millions of handhelds worldwide. It had quality games from such developers as Square Enix, Capcom, Konami, XSeed, EA, and more. Every video game collector should have a PlayStation Portable in their collection.

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