🎥 Gilda - 1946 - Rita Hayworth - 🎥 FULL MOVIE

10 months ago

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✅ The Story ...

Johnny Farrell, an American newly arrived in Buenos Aires, Argentina, wins a lot of money cheating at craps.

He is rescued from a robbery attempt by a complete stranger, Ballin Mundson. Mundson tells him about an illegal high-class casino but warns him not to cheat there. Farrell ignores his advice, wins at blackjack, and is taken to see the casino's owner, who turns out to be Mundson. Farrell talks Mundson into hiring him and soon becomes Mundson's trusted casino manager.

Mundson returns from a trip and announces he has a new wife, Gilda, whom he has married after only knowing her for a day.

Johnny and Gilda instantly recognize each other, though both deny it when Mundson questions them. Mundson assigns Farrell to watch over Gilda. Johnny and Gilda are consumed with hatred for each other, and she cavorts with men at all hours in increasingly more blatant efforts to enrage Johnny, and in return he grows more spiteful towards her.

Mundson is visited by two German mobsters. Their organization financed a tungsten cartel, with everything put in Mundson's name in order to hide their connection to it. They have decided that it is safe to take over the cartel now that World War II has ended, but Mundson refuses to transfer ownership.

The Argentinian police are suspicious of the Germans and assign agent Obregon to try to obtain information from Farrell, but he knows nothing about this aspect of Mundson's operations. The Germans return to the casino during a carnival celebration, and Mundson ends up killing one of them.

Farrell rushes to take Gilda to safety. Alone in Mundson's house, they have another confrontation and after declaring their undying hatred for each other, passionately kiss. After hearing the front door slam, they realize Mundson has overheard and a guilt-ridden Farrell pursues him to a waiting private airplane.

The plane explodes in midair and plummets into the ocean. Mundson parachutes to safety. Farrell, unaware of this, concludes that Mundson has committed suicide.

Gilda inherits his estate. Farrell and she immediately marry, but unknown to her, Johnny is marrying her to punish her for her betrayal of Mundson. He abandons her but has her followed day and night by his men to torment her. Gilda tries to escape the tortured marriage a number of times, but Farrell thwarts every attempt.

Obregon confiscates the casino and informs Farrell that Gilda was never truly unfaithful to Mundson or to him, prompting Farrell to try to reconcile with her. At that moment, Mundson reappears, revealing he faked his suicide. He tries to kill both Gilda and Farrell, but bartender Uncle Pio fatally stabs him.

The Story unfolds ...

✅ Credits :

Directed by : Charles Vidor
Screenplay by : Jo Eisinger, Marion Parsonnet and Ben Hecht (uncredited)
Story by : E.A. Ellington
Produced by : Virginia Van Upp
Cinematography : Rudolph Maté
Edited by : Charles Nelson
Music by : M. W. Stoloff and Marlin Skiles
Colour Process : Black and white
Production Company : Columbia Pictures
Distributed by : Columbia Pictures
Release Dates : March 14, 1946

✅ Cast :

Rita Hayworth as Gilda Mundson
Glenn Ford as Johnny Farrell
George Macready as Ballin Mundson
Joseph Calleia as Detective Maurice Obregon
Steven Geray as Uncle Pio
Joe Sawyer as Casey
Gerald Mohr as Captain Delgado
Mark Roberts as Gabe Evans
Ludwig Donath as German
Don Douglas as Thomas Langford
Lionel Royce as German
George J. Lewis as Huerta
Saul Martell as Little Man

✅ Film Information Source :


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📦 BUY THIS MOVIE ON AMAZON : https://amzn.to/3wBNqzX


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