Cat not thrilled about becoming a unicorn

7 years ago

Remember when unicorns were just mythical beings, rumored to have existed in some distant, hidden corners of the earth and that they pack a whopping amount of magic just in their single horn? Well nowadays everyone can be a unicorn – all they have to do is buy a unicorn accessory!

If unicorns were, in fact, real, we think they would have been exploited to extinction right about now. Everything has a unicorn on it today; the craze started with innocent t-shirts and moved on to phone accessories, bags, knit hats and even – wait for it – unicorn horns that you can wear on your head and pretend you are one of them too!

The craze didn't stop with human, no; the humans needed their pets to look like they are unicorns too, so someone made unicorn horns that you cat put on your dog's or your cat's head. Companies even go further in the craze by advertising those accessories saying “Cats love them”. Well you can be the judge of that.

Meet Leia, the gray-and-white tuxedo cat. Her owner got her a unicorn horn and put it on her head. What did Leia do? She tried to rip it off, while complaining all the way. We support you in your effort, kitty.

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