when i was younger i tried to be a real girl (why do you think i do comedy now)

9 months ago

miles davis, kind of blue
it is very very strange to be early for anything but esp work
this is only cos i got tacos beforehand haha
i denied myself last night ONLY cos i didn't wanna leave the house
my reward system is totally screwey
no rewards/punishments for the most part, it's very very limited
it took me awhile to just accept this but i can't take normie advice
most don't understand nocturnal people
i can still do it counter to my nature but i hate it
i am super anxious right now, not when i'm 20min late tho
if i do anything in a timely fashion it freaks me out
i wish i was regimented sometimes but that ain't me like at all
i need to stop trying to be somebody i'm not
whenever i wear slightly presentable attire haha
just don't cut yer genitals off that's it
that damn FOMO
they miss out on far more trying not to do so
miles davis time is OVER
bras, makeup, heels and it never felt right
always crawling outta my skin
so white...appreciate this now
they're trying to wipe out the white man
white supremacy. white degeneracy. white inferiority.
45 min early what the fuck
i'm always twenty min late (at least)
i am very different in my lack of FOMO
it bothers me less than it would most, being misunderstood n ridiculed
i'm quite used to being misinterpreted n pissing people off w/out trying haha
nice and weird at the same time

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