How to ask for help - No castle is constructed alone.

9 months ago

Have you ever needed help before?

Always ask for help. You are a human that may be good at several things, but you are not good at everything. You may be a conservative, but you need a liberal opinion once in a while. You might be very traditional, but you can always hire a new school person to develop a website for you. If you are not good at waking up early and getting started, ask someone to call you to motivate you. You can ask for things in prayer too.

Asking is a sign of strength. If you can ask, it shows that you are going to need help. Help is on the way. A weak person is full of pride and is afraid to ask for help because they may feel that it is simply too much to ask for something. They feel that they must learn everything. If you feel that you must learn everything, you will be what most people call a ‘jack of all trades’. They never quite get anywhere because they do everything themselves and have not really become good at something.

If you are going to build a foundation, build it with the proper help. No castle is constructed alone. You cannot make a masterpiece or build a city by yourself. Every artisan needs a hand to complete their work. Be sure to reach out in time of need. You will be surprised what kind of services can be supplied. You will be even more surprised by who needs your help.

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