Puppy obsessed with kitty cat playtime

7 years ago

If you were ever fortunate to witness the friendship between two animals of different species, you should consider yourself lucky. Those relationships prove that anything is possible if you are taught that there are no differences among us. You've seen dogs living peacefully with cats, cats with birds, even more unusual combinations, like puppies and emus.

We know that you might not find this video anything out of the ordinary, but it is still very adorable to see. Check out this mini Aussie-doodle puppy have her fun with a very patient kitty. The cat is quite older than the doggy, yet the pup is the same size as the feline. So she patiently engages him in his favorite activity, even encourages the puppy to chase her. Even the kids behind the camera route for them to play.

If you too want to bring two different animals together, the best way to do this is to pair them at a very young age. Just like human babies, this is when they develop their cognitive skills as well as their communication skills, so when they learn that this other animal is a friend, they will accept it as such. No more clichés!

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