Rachel Zegler FIGHTS BACK! Media Runs Cover for NEW & IMPROVED Snow White & WOKE Company APOLOGY!

1 year ago

The same old cast of characters are once again circling the wagons to regroup for a predictable attack. The chosen one, Rachel Zegler, is getting adulation now that the hysteria is dying down. Girlboss, a PR firm that specializes in the unique trade of "empowering women," shared some clips of Zegler's insufferability, so they had to clout chase and apologize for not running defense for their queen sooner. Couple that with the media beginning to trot out the old line of "the old thing was bad, anyway" and "she was totally right, and if you don't agree you are a bigot" lines; and you know what time it is.

By the time Snow White dribbles into theatres, there will be nothing left in the tank to explain away how poorly the film does at the box office. We are in for something special with this one.

Dexerto: https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/snow-white-controversy-major-company-apologizes-rachel-zegler-2264919/
Metro: https://metro.co.uk/2023/08/24/how-some-disney-fans-are-treating-rachel-zegler-makes-me-sick-19380567/?ico=top-stories_news_top

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#RachelZegler #SnowWhite #Disney #Woke #Hollywood #LiveAction #Movie #WokeDisney

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