How Africa's Ties with China & Russia Are Denigrated by European Colonial Narratives

10 months ago

How Africa's Ties with China & Russia Are Denigrated by European Colonial Narratives

August 26, 2023

BreakThrough News

We're told that countries across the Global South are poor and plagued by violence not because of colonialism, imperialism, never ending European/Western wars, resource theft and destabilization campaigns.

Rather, it's because they're ruled by corrupt and greedy people who seem to be innately authoritarian and backwards due to some sort of cultural deficiency that prevents respect for human rights and causes state failure.

To discuss the colonial and racist framework used by European governed countries, policymakers to justify ongoing imperialist aggression in Africa and how it's being folded into the new Cold War on Russia and China.

Rania Khalek was joined by Zubairu Wai, Associate Professor of Political Science and Global Development Studies at the University of Toronto.


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