A man destroyed his Japanese restaurant to protest Japan’s release of Fukushima wastewater

9 months ago

8/25/2023 According to a video circulating on the Internet, in protest against Japan's release of Fukushima wastewater into the ocean, a man from Guizhou Province decided to destroy his own Japanese restaurant. This indicates that the CCP is utilizing Japan's nuclear wastewater discharge as a pretext to manipulate the public and fuel another wave of anti-Japanese sentiment. The CCP's true intention is to divert public attention from the increasingly severe domestic political and economic crises.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/25/2023 网传视频显示,贵州一男子为抗议日本排放核废水砸毁自家日料店。可见中共这次是以日本排核废水为借口,再次洗脑民众掀起反日浪潮,其真实目的无非是为了转移民众对国内不断加剧的政治经济危机的关注。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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