SCART Cable Audio Test - Update (read description)

9 months ago

This is an updated audio test. I've retained the same clips from the previous version of this video then added some samples from a new Retro-Access cable and a replacement from RetroGamingCables.
The audio has also been boosted 200% for each audio clip.


Conclusions for cables:
The new Retro-Access cable appears to reduce buzz or hiss ever so slightly over the older cable (these two are directy compared on the 5501 model in the video). You probably won't notice a difference between the two Retro-Access cables.

The RetroGamingCables has significant cross-talk issues regardless of the PlayStation model used. This results in significant audio buzz which becomes louder when the video luminance is higher.
This also makes the buzzing noise in the 7501 much louder compared to other cables.

The replacement RetroGamingCable did not introduce any improvement.


Regarding console models:
The 7501 model in this video produces noticible buzz regardless of cable.

The the noise in the 5501 and 101 (or "PSone") are reduced to a soft hiss when using Retro-Access cables. The 101 might have an ever so subtle of an improvement over 5501, but they're very comparable overall.


Additional details:
Although not captured in this video, I've also tested Saturn SCART cables from both Retro-Access and RetroGamingCables.
There is no buzz or hiss present whatsoever in the Retro-Access cable. However, cross-talk issues are very appearant in the RetroGamingCables.


Final thoughts:
Retro-Access cables appear to have the best shielding/insulation between lines. They're the most recommended to avoid signal noise or reduce inherent noise from the console.
The RetroGamingCables appear to have issues with insulation between lines and introduces significant cross-talk. This may be bothersome to audiophile gamers.


Cables used in this updated test:
(first two tests)

Retro Access Sony PlayStation PS1 only RGB SCART lead Sync on Luma cable cord lead (Fortraflex):
(second two tests, clips marked with "(new)" in the subtitle use this cable)

PlayStation 1 PS1 RGB SCART PACKAPUNCH sync on luma cable
(last three tests, with the very last being the replacement cable)

Additionally, I've added the SCPH-101 ("PSone") model to these tests. Used in fourth and last test of the video.


If you're not hearing a difference between clips or the differences sound too subtle to you, it is likely related to the audio equipment used. You'll need headphones able to reproduce full hearing range (such as audiophile grade headphones) connected to a hi-fi capable device and turn up the volume to high. Cell phone speakers and lower end speakers may not be able to reproduce the sound.

The buzz/hum may not bother some users during normal play. The purpose of this comparison and review description for those looking for the best possible SCART solution.


Original test video:

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