Canada Has Gone Full Blown Communist w/ Dr. Patrick Phillips - 10/10/21

9 months ago

Persecuted Canadian emergency doctor Patrick Phillips joins Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. The situation in Canada is so dire Dr. Phillips is preparing to go off grid. Dr. Phillips explains how the Canadian government now funds all the mainstream newspapers, television, and radio stations, so now all they spew is COVID propaganda 24/7. According to Dr. Phillips, this has caused the Canadian population to suffer from a fear induced mass psychosis. In a couple weeks a communist Chinese style QR code social credit system will be implemented in Ontario. Once that is up and running the government can turn on and off a person’s passport on a whim, depending on what they say on social media or anywhere else. It will be linked to their geolocation, credit card, and bank card, and used to allow or deny medical and banking services.

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