NT Framework 15 Early Creeds

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SBC Family Near and Far,

Three important things tonight.

First, FOLLOW-UP PRAYER for the folks that visited last Sunday. The best thing we can all do is pray for these people to believe in Christ if they are unsaved or get plugged in here at a solid Bible-teaching church if they are saved. Don't forget in the coming weeks to pray for them. If you met certain people, pray for them BY NAME. I always do this so I remember their name. No one appreciates it more than when you remember their name. It means you actually thought about them

Second, PICK UP YOUR FREE BOOK TOMORROW. I received a good number of books that I want to give you. Thank you for supporting us. This is the Basics of the Faith: A Concise Handbook that was published in July. Emma and I placed a bookmark inside each one. You can also get a book for someone else that you think might benefit from it. It's good for a reference, quick read, devotionals, definitions, to solidify your faith and help you get to the next level in your Christian life. Here are a couple of reviews from people on Amazon.

"This book is so rich and full of great, in-depth information on the basics of the Christian faith. Pastor Jeremy does a really fantastic job providing detailed definitions for Biblical terms and backs those definitions up with thorough lists of Scriptural references. I’d recommend this book to anyone looking for a great reference book for their own shelves or for those looking for a resource to be able to give to friends or family to help answer some of their questions or help them grow deeper in their fellowship with the Lord. It’s seriously SO GOOD and worth every penny!" - Ella C.

"Jeremy has an amazing way of distilling the key foundational basics of the Christian faith to be easily understandable, while also keeping it incredibly interesting. This is a great book for anyone looking to learn (or help as a guide to teach others) more about who God is and the core concepts of Christianity." - J. Robinson

Lastly, I've attached the HANDOUT for EARLY CREEDS. I will use these to try to distill the information we've discussed so far about the Trinity and Hypostatic Union. In a couple weeks we'll be delving into the Trinity. There is so much information and these are critical doctrines. The Hypostatic Union is the greatest discussion the church ever had. The discussion lasted 500 years. I hope this brings some perspective to the greatness of our God and the complexity of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are following the discussion, you are starting to realize that Christianity is not just another religion. There is nothing even remotely like it, and if someone says that they are extremely uneducated on the topic.

See the attached handout.

Grace to you,



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