#9: The Time Prison: Human Evolution from Mind to Heart!

8 months ago

The human time prison only exists when the past is so important that the past then creates the present-day attachments to the past, as though the past is the only thing that is real. The future now is this unknown and daunting place that will always reflect the known and daunting past. Perhaps the future is an unknown and yet hopeful place where the real past still reflects its daunting possibilities, and therefore the future, the past and present, are still a time prison, thanks to the mind.

Let me explain my point further . . . The mind uses what we know from the past to make decisions for a better future. That's the ego, safety and security are key. Was it the heart then that guided the mind or the ego that guided the mind? This is to help comprehend the reality of a time prison, existing through the gift of our fear-based or survival-based building blocks, to manifest a simultaneous past, present, and future that coincides with the ego, the mind, the daunting future possibilities we need to protect ourselves from, now and forever.

So, in this video, I reference this conversation about, Time and the Mind, but most importantly, I discuss getting grounded in the present moment. Getting clear with your choices, what you are doing right now, who you are right now, etc. The past is over. The human time prison is over. This is a new book. The future now reflects what you know as yourself in the present day. Know yourself for your virtues and hold yourself to that divine truth. Now the power of the present reflects its light into the past and into the future. The only reality now is the one that projects from the light of your own soul and through that doorway within your heart and into our human world, into each other.

It's time for a great collective shift from mind to heart. No more time prison, and all it took was to simply know thyself, to be grounded within the virtues of who you are, and hold yourself to that expression. Now you know the past, the present, and the future as the light of your own soul, not contained but freely expressed in infinite directions, and that's all there is, was, and ever will be. You, Me, All, Love.

🌟 Sacred Geometry Angel: You Can't Contain Light 🌟

0:00 Intro
0:22 Root Chakra: Firm Solid Decisions
3:55 Human Life is a Blessing
5:00 Don't Numb Your Emotions
6:16 The Past, The Mind, The Future
14:57 Changing the Timeline
16:13 Going with the Flow or Thinking Too Much?
17:25 You Are in the Right Place at the Right Time Today
18:10 My Website & Cycles of Time
19:23 Geometric Angel: You Can't Contain Light
21:12 Know Yourself, Know the Future, Be Your Light!
22:12 Time Prison: Human Evolution from Mind to Heart

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🌞 Joseph Bradley, Spiritual Healer & Teacher:
Joseph is an amazing spiritual healer and teacher, and I absolutely love working with him. He has helped me so much in my life and I am delighted to encourage you to see what he is sharing each week!

#AbbeyNormal #Enlightenment #SpiritualAwakening

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