Freedom Enough 033 - The Maui Massacre

9 months ago

Maui Notes

[Aerial footage]

Almost the entire Hawaiian town of Lahaina has been destroyed by fire.

OVer a thousand innocent people are dead, as to the survivors, it appears thier land is being stolen.

Certain homes are burned right down to the footprint, leaving nothing but fine ash.

And yet, nearby, other, more expensive homes, are mostly unaffected.

What the hell is going on in Maui?

Is it just an unfortunate series of "Wildfires" ?

Made worse by climate change and carbon pollution?

Or, has the global government purposely destroyed Lahaina to expropriate the property from its rightful owners, and make room for an AI controlled smart city?

Hello world, I'm Alexander Baker, J.D. your legal expert. If you needed more proof that you have no rights and there is no law, look no further than what has taken place in the last few weeks on the Hawaiian island of Maui.

It is August 27, 2023. Today on Freedom Enough #33 - Maui Massaacre

The official story is that Wildfires broke out, and the first were made worse by "climate change." But just look at this video. What do you see? What do your eyes tell you? Do you see the result of housefires?

Notice how so many of these structures are burned so completely, and burned down to fine ash and powder, and yet how other homes, and many trees and surroding vegetation are not affected.

Here is a YouTube commenter "JoeBlow UK":

As an ex-firefighter, I can tell you that immediately I can see many irregularities. The fire, if completely left to itself, would have consumed everything right up to the sea. Yet I see several very expensive-looking mansions left completely untouched, but surrounded by smaller dwellings burnt to the ground. Some small dwellings are burnt to the ground, yet completely surrounded by larger buildings that are completely untouched by the fire. There is a large area of expensive-looking houses completely untouched, right next to a community of smaller dwellings that are burnt to the ground, as if an imaginary line is drawn between the two areas. This needs a thorough investigation, as something is afoot. God bless the poor families affected by this terrible event. May justice prevail.

Another comment:

The precision with which the houses were targeted is terrifying. It’s beyond any doubt and this video clearly shows it.

I can't believe how perfectly selective this "wildfire" was... THIS IS A CRIME SCENE

The pattern of the fire and what it did and didn’t touch is mind blowing

missmya3972 :
You'll see a house that is not even in the path of the flames burned to the ground with all the houses around it untouched. Very, very strange, don't you think?

As always, Wikipedia is a reliable source for getting the official story.

[Clip 1]

Tried to flee

Just following orders

Maui Police Chief John Pelletier

Happens to have been "Incident Commander" in the 2017 Las Vegas massacre event.

[Clip 2 - 00:46]

Presidential advisor John Podesta -

Extreme Weather - climate change -

Carbon pollution?

inflation reduction act 700 page document - print hundreds of billions of dollars for government officials to further enslave you

[Clip 3]

Fox news

Delayed release of water

Kaleo Manuel - Woke Commie - Western Captlistic

[Clip 4]

Hawaii governor Josh Green

Build back better

[Clip 5]

No allowed to leave without pass

"Fire and Fury" Book published Dr. Miles Stones

Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change written by a certain Dr. Miles Stones. The book was published on August 10 on Amazon, only two days after the Maui fires began, and its topic has left the internet baffled. The non-fiction talks about the Maui fires at large – their causes, impacts, and relation to climate change.

Netizens found it rather unsettling that the book got printed and even became available on Amazon while the fires were still ongoing.


Fire and Fury: The Story of the 2023 Maui Fire and its Implications for Climate Change was published on Amazon on Aug. 10—two days after the start of the deadly wildfires that have killed 111 people and left 1,000 more missing on the Hawaiian island of Maui—and claims to “chronicle the events of August 8-11.”

The 44-page book, available as an e-book or paperback, claims to have been written by a Dr. Miles Stone, but the about-the-author section on the Amazon page simply reads, "I'd rather not say," and no such person seems to exist in the public record, according to a LexisNexis search.

Search now empty

[Clip 6]

GOvernor Josh Green
State acquire land - workforce housing - memorial

Joe Biden Sending $700 to Maui Fire Victims Sparks Backlash: 'Insulting'

[Clip 7]

Ownership of land - takeover of land - Lockdown exceptions- Fire sale

same old scam of foreclosure

Marx - abolition of private property

How did they destroy all these houses, and so selectively?

[Clip 8]

Astrone - green lasers observatory in Japan

NASA altimeter satle ACDL Chinese satelite

Blame the Chinese?

[Clip 9]

Survivor "no warning"


Powder ash refuge

Govt blocking supplies

witholding donations except FEMA and REd CROSS

5 years Paradise CA - like a bomb went off

[Clip 10]

JOsh Green -

Does appear like a bomb - it will be a new Lahiania

[Clip 11]

Traumatized young lady from Maui

Bright flashes of light - Olinda fire


Online weather maps,

Barium nanodust fueling "super wildfires" -

Heavy overcast from chemtrails

Zuckerberg, Oprah - 1000 acres in Maui

2018 paradise - where UN offlimtis

Great Reset - emergency proc on housing - govt more leway

15 min smart cities

Oprah major donations

Media is lying

Goal is to rebuild - governed by AI - September 2023


Smart city


Relief is denied without permission from FEMA

FEMA just happened to be in town

Shut down because people trying to take photos

Only FEMA / Red Cross

Weaponized - DEW

2015 - operational

Russia China, INdia, UK, Iran, Turkey officially deployed - shot down Chinese-made Lybian drone

China - Russia

Mark Thomas Esper - chip away at our military advantage

Related to fires?

Microwave weapons penetrate and destroy electronics

Homes burn into their own footprint

High temps melt cars

Equal distance of fires withint 4 hours in Idaho - no storm -

Beam of infra red on 9-8 Dolan fir in CA


Holiday Famr fire

Blame china

Deployed - attacked by DEW - by who? The government

No emergency warning

FEMA get together at OAHU - diaster preparedness drill

Aug 9

Regret not sounding the sirens - no

Children dies - firehydrants were off - refused to release

We can share water

"Climate change" in January conference re smart island - solar, electric, etc

AI to govern

Wather mod act of 1976 - DOD, EPA and NASA

Biden - urgency climate catastrophe

Monkeypx - climate change


Metal oxides - HAARP heats the oxides

Bounce off ionopshere, curver around earth

Pushes atmosphere up - Can induce drought


Tesla theory - change weather

HAARp Kokona Alaska - Radio = 180 antennas - 1 giant aimable antennae

3.6 billion watts - AM = 50K - 72,000 Am stations

All focused

HAARP heats the atomosphere - weather do

Admit in own docs

Yuvl - to prevent the apocalypse

bottom line - 2% experts

Increase "investment"

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