1 year ago

Race has nothing to do with this 'nothing-burger'
I comment on the yellow-journalism of Nicholas McEntyre of the NY Post.

First of all, "Shame on you Nicholas McEntyre" contributor to the NY Post. Dude, race had nothing to do with this but you're happy as a clam to bring it up. Racial division is at an all-time high in this country and you're running off with the mouth [or the pen if you will] to widen the divide even more. Shame on you! Your poorly written article is designed to pander to the racially sensitive and woke. I hope you can sleep at night you hack!

Click here and read this article for yourself. Listen to the conversation this player secretly recorded with the coach telling him to get a haircut. Tell me it's racist ... which it is not: https://nypost.com/2023/08/25/georgia-college-baseball-coach-greg-guilliams-kicks-player-asher-akridge-off-team-for-his-long-hair/ had this been a white player, or anything but a typically whiney black guy, there would be no article.

Little Mr. Woke McEntyre leads his article off saying, "A Georgia college’s white baseball manager is under fire after allegedly telling a black player he couldn’t play on the team because his hair was too long and didn’t conform to the rules set by the coach." He injects colour immediately without qualification or meaningful example. Nope, he just jumps on the old 'y'all are prejudice' bandwagon and stirs up the readers. Again: "Shame on you!" Equally, "Shame on the Post" for printing this trash.

It's time people like McEntyre were called out for their own brand of bigotry.

I'm Max, and that's the way I see it!

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