3rd Video of the Real Sun today. This is a closeup of the Sun with "ball of whatever" targeting it (video 3 of 3)

1 year ago

Happy Sun-Day! CLOSEUP. 3rd Video today. The Real Sun being followed and tracked by a big white ball of something. (simulated light? plasma?) Then, two (aircraft?) are seen separately. One (aircraft?) can be seen outlined in front of the sun, yet behind the (fake?) clouds. The second (aircraft?) can be seen flying behind the big white ball. I'm wondering what kind of "stuff" that big white ball is emitting...

DONATIONS are always welcome, and greatly appreciated. Thank you! This is my donation link:

Link to First Sun Video: https://rumble.com/v3c70n0-the-real-sun-behind-a-large-white-ball.html?mref=215avu&mc=3l1v3

Link to Second Sun video: https://rumble.com/v3c9ss0-closeup-of-aircrafts-with-the-real-sun-and-fake-sun-in-1st-video-i-created-.html?mref=215avu&mc=3l1v3

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