Unveiling Earth's Secrets Empowering Exploration with Landsat Data and A.I.

9 months ago

Over the last few years, the application of machine learning techniques has grown significantly in the examination of the extensive dataset gathered by the enduring Landsat mission, which has orbited the Earth for over five decades. This data has found purpose in categorizing diverse land cover types, detecting changes in landscapes over time, and mapping the ecological impact of human activities. With this field in a constant state of evolution, researchers are crafting fresh deep learning models to enhance analysis accuracy and efficiency, unearthing even richer information from the data. Presented below are a few examples showcasing how the fusion of Landsat data and machine learning is deepening our grasp of the planet's history, present, and future.

Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Scientific Visualization Studio
Chris Burns [KBRWyle]: Lead Producer
Chris Burns [KBRWyle]: Lead Writer

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