Moon Phases – Northern Hemisphere – 4K

1 year ago

Presented in 4K resolution, this visualization provides a comprehensive display of the Moon's phase and vibration observed from the Northern Hemisphere, spanning the entire year of 2021. The progression occurs at hourly intervals, with each frame depicting a single hour. Furthermore, the visualization accurately portrays the Moon's orbital placement, along with its sub-Earth and subsolar points, maintaining a true scale representation of its distance from Earth. Notably, craters situated near the terminator are identified, as well as significant landmarks like Apollo landing sites, maria, and illuminated albedo features.

Video credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center
Data visualization by Ernie Wright (USRA)
Producer & Editor - David Ladd (USRA)

Music provided by Universal Production Music: "Nothing Can Stop Us Now" - Anders Johan Greger Lewen & Henrik Lars Wikstrom

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#MoonPhases #NorthernHemisphere #4KVisualization #LunarCycle #AstronomyVisuals #CelestialPhenomenon #MoonOrbit #SpaceSpectacle #AstroVideography #2021MoonPhases #LunarLibration #TrueScaleRepresentation

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