BETWEEN ME, YOU & THE CONSOLE: pixels of perseverance (my first book)

10 months ago

You can now pre-order my book, which is available on Kindle.

“BETWEEN ME, YOU & THE CONSOLE” is a personal narrative about the author's journey with video games and how gaming evolved throughout their life. They started playing video games at a young age with consoles like Atari, Sega Mega Drive, and Super Nintendo, and later moved on to other consoles like Nintendo 64, PlayStation 1, Xbox, and more. The author shares their experiences with various games and how gaming helped them cope with personal challenges and loss.

They also discuss the advancements in accessibility features for gamers with disabilities, particularly those with visual impairments. The Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 are highlighted for their impressive features, such as Quick Resume and advanced haptic feedback, making gaming more enjoyable and accessible for all players. The author expresses optimism for the future of gaming, emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and accessibility in the gaming industry.

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