726 Caught Up- Crazy Rainbow Rapture Confirmation At The End- Rapture, Tribulation, 2nd Coming-Bible

1 year ago

Rapture watchers, be encouraged. Hold On. The Lord keeps giving me 726 confirmations, and I uploaded the finished video to my computer at 7:26pm today- August 26 the 238th day of the year- Acts 2:38. Sorry that I started working on it yesterday, so that's why I was talking about tomorrow which is today.
Because He lives I can face tomorrow- And then one day, I will be raptured, I will not have to pass through death, And as I fly to meet my Jesus, I'll see the heaven's open and forever live.

Hold On by Katy Nicole- @KatyNichole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSEwMFs-qmg

Right after I had finished working on the video, it started raining and there was a actual rainbow over my swimming pool that I baptized a new born again believer in last summer. All I can say is- Praise the Lord. There's a lot of Bible study in here, and you can open your Bible and read the chapters that go along with the verses. Not many have a truly biblical worldview these days, so I go over a statement of beliefs that I agree with. Do you?

I cover baptism, spiritual gifts, salvation, eschatology, marriage and divorce and remarriage adultery, fornication, new believers, apostate churches, those who condone adultery, judgment, judging other Christians, pre-Trib rapture....
God bless and Maranatha.
#rapture #rainbowpromise #holdon

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