9 months ago

Q. 4. Correct only FIVE of the following:

They were lying in the sun.
He will not come unless he is asked.
John as well as Harry bears witness to it.
Could I have a piece of pie, please?
Is there a sports club nearby?
Q. 5. Punctuate the following text, where necessary.

Answer: That familiarity produces neglect has been long observed. The effect of all external objects, however great or splendid, ceases with their novelty. The courtier stands without emotion in the royal presence. The music tramples under his foot the beauties of the spring with little attention to their fragrance. The inhabitant of the coast darts his eye upon the immense diffusion of waters without awe, wonder, or terror.
Q. 6. Use only FIVE of the pairs of words in sentences clearly illustrating their meanings.

Gibe: He couldn't resist making a gibe about her new haircut.
Jibe: The sailor's account didn't jibe with the captain's log.
Epigram: Oscar Wilde was known for his witty epigrams.
Epigraph: The novel began with an epigraph from Shakespeare.
Brawl: A brawl broke out in the bar after the football match.
Bawl: The baby began to bawl when she dropped her toy.
Crib: The baby sleeps peacefully in her crib.
Crypt: The ancient crypt was discovered beneath the church.
Barmy: His ideas are completely barmy!
Balmy: It was a balmy summer evening.
Q. 7. Translate the following into English by keeping in view figurative/idiomatic expressions.

Answer: Even though the world is filled with deceitful and cunning people, there are still those who are pure-hearted and sincere. In 1867, when the world was going through a tumultuous time, there were individuals who stood firm in their beliefs and values. These individuals were not swayed by the changing tides of society and remained true to their principles. They believed in the power of love and unity and worked towards creating a better world for all. They were not influenced by the negativity around them and continued to spread positivity and hope. Their actions and beliefs serve as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a ray of hope.

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