Surah al-Falaq 113

1 year ago

Surah Al-Falaq, also known as "The Daybreak," is a short chapter of the Quran with five verses. It is a Meccan surah, which means it was revealed during the early period of Prophet Muhammad's mission when he was in Mecca. The surah is commonly recited by Muslims as a means of seeking protection from various forms of harm and evil.
The surah is centered around the theme of seeking refuge in Allah from different types of harm and darkness that can affect individuals. It emphasizes the power of Allah as the ultimate protector and guardian. Here's a breakdown of the surah's content:
1. **Seeking Refuge in Allah**: The surah begins with the phrase "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." This phrase is a common opening in many chapters of the Quran and signifies starting an action with the name of Allah and seeking His blessings and mercy.
2. **Invocation of Protection**: The surah starts with the command for Prophet Muhammad to say, "I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak." This is an affirmation of seeking refuge and protection in Allah, the Lord of the beginning of the day—the time when darkness fades and light emerges.
3. **Evil of Creation**: The following verse asserts seeking protection from "the evil of that which He created." This refers to seeking refuge from any negative consequences, harm, or ill intentions that might arise from Allah's creation.
4. **Evil of Darkness**: The surah continues by seeking protection from "the evil of darkness when it settles." This line is a supplication for guarding against the harmful effects that darkness, both literal and metaphorical, can bring upon individuals and communities.
5. **Evil of Blowers in Knots**: The fourth verse seeks refuge from "the evil of the blowers in knots." This phrase is often interpreted as a reference to sorcery, black magic, or harmful practices done by individuals who blow on knots as part of their spellcasting.
6. **Evil of Envy**: The final verse seeks protection from "the evil of an envier when he envies." This verse acknowledges the harm that can arise from jealousy and envy in people's hearts and asks for protection from the negative consequences of such feelings.
In summary, Surah Al-Falaq is a chapter of the Quran that emphasizes seeking refuge in Allah from various forms of harm, darkness, evil intentions, and negative influences. It underscores the belief that Allah is the ultimate protector and source of safety for believers, encouraging them to turn to Him in times of need and vulnerability. Muslims often recite this surah as part of their daily prayers or when seeking protection from harm and adversity.

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