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Corbett, Unz & WWII: the Unnecessary War

1 year ago

James Corbett and Keith Knight give 10 lessons from Churchill, Hitler & the Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan. Ron Unz covers the same in American Pravda: Understanding WWII, and talks about prominent historians 'disappeared' from history for writing about it. The real history is shocking!

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • For many decades (okay a half a century or so) I've studied World War II, my personal World War II library is quite extensive and some of the books I treasure most are the ones published *before* WWII as they give me a glimpse of what people wrote / thought *before* the war had played out. Something I've felt and tried to convey to others is that nothing is "black & white" or "good or evil". Almost all *evil* is done with good intentions! An open mind to considering the alternative interpretations is very valuable in my opinion. Thank you for writing such a great article.