Ukrainian Fired Prosecutor Shokin: Biden’s $1 BIL Aid Package in Exchange for His Dismissal

11 months ago

Fired Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Believes Biden’s $1 Billion Aid Package to Ukraine in Exchange for His Dismissal is Evidence of Corruption: “They Were Being Bribed”

In a one-on-one interview with Fox News set to air Saturday at 8 p.m., Viktor Shokin, the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine, said that he was dismissed due to his investigation into Burisma, an energy company where Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, served on the board.

Shokin sat down with Fox News host Brian Kilmeade and stated that he holds a “firm personal conviction” that his termination was a direct result of bribery involving both Joe and Hunter Biden.

“I have said repeatedly in my previous interviews that Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then Vice President Biden because I was investigating Burisma,” Shokin said in the interview.

“[Poroshenko] understood and so did Vice President Biden, that had I continued to oversee the Burisma investigation, we would have found the facts about the corrupt activities that they were engaging in. That included both Hunter Biden and Devon Archer and others.”

“I do not want to deal in unproven facts, but my firm personal conviction is that, yes, this was the case,” he added. “They were being bribed. And the fact that Joe Biden gave away $1 billion in U.S. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing – isn’t that alone a case of corruption?”

SHOKIN: “The fact that Joe Biden gave away one billion dollars – in exchange for my dismissal, my firing. – Is that alone a case of corruption?”

The Daily Caller:

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