21 and Under Youth Rodeo at Rodeo North Texas Fair and Rodeo Small Town America Western Sports

1 year ago

The North Texas State Fair Association is a volunteer supported, 501 (c) (3) non-profit community organization that preserves and promotes western heritage and values. The North Texas Fair and Rodeo contributes to the quality of life in the City of Denton, Denton County, and throughout the North Texas area. This is done through a first class nine day Fair and Rodeo, year round facilities, and various community and youth oriented programs and events. The North Texas State Fair Association strives to preserve and promote an understanding of the agricultural industry. The North Texas State Fair Association is true and committed to its mission of supporting Youth, Agriculture, and Community. All revenue generated is reinvested into various programs, scholarships, and facilities.
The Youth Rodeo Association (YRA) was organized to promote the sport of rodeo among young Americans and to improve the image of rodeo through improved cooperation of youth rodeo contestants, parents, and adults interested in the youth rodeo movement. The YRA is a nonprofit organization managed by a Board of Directors who is elected by the General Membership.
Small Town America features YOU hard working Americans that make this Nation Great! We are looking for the shade tree mechanic, the backyard griller, small business owners that still make their products right here in the USA! We want to meet the First Responders The Veterans and The Home Town Heroes so Get In The Truck

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