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May we clear entity attachment from family? Yes, if it affects us
A little continuation on the past-life stories….as yet another tool of HUMA POTENTIAL we have had deactivated…
2.50 I had some “GLEE” that perhaps I shouldn’t have-a little moment of informational revenge on a member of my family…oops!
3.45 My mother’s birthday is tomorrow and I have decided to look into some issues regarding her. I explain the issue most of us have experienced of “us’ and them - who don’t know what we know.
4.30 I did some investigations into my family, their soul freedoms ( with Oksana Buchanan), and ascertained my mother having been invaded by another entity for along time. I want to see if I can in any way find a way to free her of this. A new attempt, a different approach. I explain the context of this.
8.00 I explain how it can be a little frustrating to have to be around those who are shut off- because fo such entity possession….
8.30 Although there are disgusting, despicable, disgraceful signs going on here, the Earth and human in their natural qualities are AMAZING!
9.10 I wan tot go in, look at her history and possibly see din something to allow her to recognise and therefore push out/deliberately release what has bene controlling her. And if it works for me, you could do it too.
10.01 I use the commands to get nice and clear. I state my mission. And check on what level I have ‘permission’ to facilitate. I request clarity, inner cleanliness, wisdom as much as will fit in me and the ability to act.
11.00 First line of enquiry- looking at her galactic race- by going into try sol room where i can access information- I have a large book in front of me.
12.00 The image of her: an “Ent” - like Lord of the Rings, but instead of made of trees, this is a stone giant, a stone Ent, tall and long. I ask to see her biology, how she works as a being. Her arms are like little landscapes, a piece of planet.
13.20 I ask to see her true size. About the height of a tree: 17m or 40’ ish
14.00 I ask her to talk to me. I hope she will be able to help the ‘incarnation version’ who is my mother.
14.45 He s now sitting in my council ring, in may soul room- with a cup of tea (!)
15.00 It doesn’t have a particular sexuality.
15.30 I suggest we could look form above the controlling presences of these entities and see what we can do for separation between the entities and her.
16.00 She is seated at the dining table next to her is a dark shadowy figure, semi-corporeal and the alligator, her jailer. I wonder why she doesn’t notice the,
16.40 I want to give her the ability to realise her true essence.
17.00 I ask the giant if it can show her her true soul essence as a touchstone of experience to remember and awaken her recognition of who has been at her side in abomination for so long. I ask him if we can do this.
17.55 It has been attempting it- every day of her life. I suggest we try something different…
18.30 I ask Prime Creator to guide our thoughts and our awareness and instil in us inspiration.
19.00 I begin to say a prayer I know we ( my mother and I) both know. Although both of us had different experiences with the originator of this prayer. As I spoke it, I could feel it going through into her- as we are still somewhat energetically connected via DNA resonance.
20.45 I see what we are inspired to do: I sit at a desk, writing a diagram of a family tree to illustrate what has happened. ( I recommend the Marie Svarru videos on YouTube.)
21.45 When I sit in clarity, purity /authenticity, and say this pray-er, there is a connection made. ( I don’t like the prey- er word… I ask for more information on that word- who is the prey, who is the victim?….) I was thinking of giving g her a mirror or myself as a mirror /entrainment system for her to be able to feel her true soul resonance- if I can hold my soul resonance ( as a sovereign integral.)
23.40 I describe all the techniques I have used thus far….
24.00 I ask Prime Creator, whether I have authority to remove these entities from the presence of my mother. I find out that I do to an extent because of the impact she has had upon my children, for whom I have authority to protect in love as their mother. - which I describe.
26.00 I have a certain amount of influence I am entitled to wield with my children: the influence of love.
And even to my mother if I wish to clean up her act, for love is about rejuvenation and clarity and flowing and goodness.
26.45 I am seated at the boardroom table I se her and the two entities. I speak to them. I explain I am present in a legal quality- i represent something that has been denied you (to my mother) for many decades and that you are attempting to deny my children, because of these two influence.
27.33 As I say the, in come two cops- weirdly robot cops ( matrix cops?) and place the entities under arrest , tied-up for now and then I place them into a double chambered faraday cage. I like to handle them this way “ because you like to interfere with our minds, our hearts and our souls- you like to be the ‘technologists’ of that, because you have none of that , do you, yourself. You have a mind, but not a soul-induced mind because you have separated yourselves from source. “ I know they are dangerous to each other, she is now also safe from them, as am I, with their telepathic influencing tricks.
28.30 Because of the separation she is currently in a space of more freedom, so the next thing I want to achieve it to get more of her soul essence into her.
29.00 I chat with the giant: I feel she is still restricted, immured. Her asthma is presenting. The restriction and the tightness- the symbiotic reciprocality between she and the entities. Without them she is not operating normally. I ask the giant if it is able to enter more fully into her for the time while the entities are chained up. I coach the energy gently down through the various tightnesses in her body…
31.39 I rub this off for me as it is not my energy.
31.50 I ask the giant for its name- veery similar sounding to my mother’s actual present name ( she has had four).
32.20 I ask Prime Creator to enable me to see clearly what is happening right now regarding a shift or awakening. I use a 3,2,1,now countdown to see her. I see her in a blue ‘entrapment’ around her. ( Alex Grey-style.) she also turns and sees the faraday cage.
33.36 I command my full presence so that it can be fully alert. I invite her to see the entities to experience as fully as she can….explaining their interference in the various members of the family. A part of me doesn’t want her to see how negative they are, but I really want her to see how she is without them.
35.00 I ask Alhurra to show the multidimensional image of this soul essence of my mother, into the book so that I can show this to my mother. For now we do this in my soul room, and then I take it to my mother, because we are operating at different frequencies.
36.30 I explain the book shows her as a small person before these entities cracked themselves into her. I explain how she will see a different version of her self, the one without these essences. I tap the top of the book to open it. We see a vert sweet little girl, running in the grass, smiling and grinning. I turn the pages for her as her arms seem quite immobile. We see her as 34/40, without the influence… I point out the sweetness, the joy, even singing. I acknowledge her constant battle with the entities. I explain I don’t like hanging out with her plus them….sometimes I get just her and i do love just her…
At the end of the book I have listed call the times this has affected me and my children. I encourage her to move forward to the future.- without the entities. Not I am, am I , am I good enough?” the victim essence is now absent. ‘ This s you in a place of happiness.”
40.00 I explain how we have all had so much interference…and we have to find way to learn how to deal with it, with a kind and compassionate love. I suggest that some of what I am saying may sound ‘rude’ in terms of how one should speak about a mother, but I explain the basis has to be sorted- how I am speaking is actually very mild, when considering what has happened.
40.30 I do of course want the best for her- to be a being of LOVE and joy, and happiness.
40.45 We put the book on one side for whenever she needs it, to keep in her soul library- it was made for her today, and we go and speak to the entities.
41.00 I propose I walk over from my side of the table- I don’t want to go near them as I don’t like them,
I suggest other she walk over too and the best way to gain information from them is to touch the outside of the cage.
41.26 I explain I will ask the first question for her as I see she is hesitant: “I command you being s to reveal to my mother, who you are, your agenda, and also, how long you have been present in her life, and how and why you even got there in the first place. Who wants to start?” (The reptile.)
41.48 “ You tell me please. When did you first accompany my mother in this life?” 7 and a half.
“ And would you please tell your custody how you actually came to be there in her presence?” She was hiding in a place dark and unfortunate, it came and took advantage.
42.12 “So, what did you actually do, and tell me how did you attach yourself in to her presence, that you are still, to this day, decades later, attempting to recombine and exert your influence upon her?”
42.24 It answers: ‘I slowly, piece by piece, crept into her attachments when she was in that state of darkness and fear and hatred. She was hating her people who did whatever they did to her, she felt wrong and abused, and I would feed with little whispers….and she thought I was her - because I was her, I became her, I began to feed her…” “Oh, shut up! Now tell me, why it is that you have been….why do you even Go to a human? tell us, I need to know. What kind of being are you, that you attach yourself to a perfect other being, and it seems that you wreak mischief. I want to know what kind of energetic deal you are getting out of this! Describe it to me right now, I command you.”
43.18 “Well, you know about the loosh thing- it’s all out in the open, mostly. of course, that’s what we do- we just..we are these ‘Djinn’ entity. You call us, you call us demonic, or whatever you callus, we are another level, another layer, another existence plane. And we do do our best of feeding. We feed, we feed, we feed, we have to. We don’t know any other way. We do this: we find a place, we hook ourselves sian doe just go for the ride. It’s the way it works.”
“I find that really puzzling: you seem to have some kind of brain or mind, at least, well, mind, or brain at least, i should say. Yet why is it that you do not create your own essence to eat and live form? Why do you take something else, and oppress it? Where did you go wrong? Surely you have your own sense of self worth, that you would have found your own way without this kind of attachment and degradation? Show me your past, that got you into this place- this pathetic place you are in!”
44.33 I command Prime Creator to let us see how they got to that miserable state: “ There was place where they were wiped out- wiped out because of the direction where they went and they did, yes, lose everything. They were under a dark cloud, so to speak. A place, literally of dust and dirt and dark and ash, and not much else, wrought by their own hands…if you can call those hands. And they were determined, they were filled with the hatred of wrongness: they knew they had done it to themselves. And there is no worse hatred than the self-hatred. And yet they felt….still. Their feeling was more in the realm of the hate
and the urgency of survival. And they changed their natures to more cruel and dark, to go find, capture and hold. Imagine a very sweet little sheep, with a dark vulture ( on its back) constantly sucking at its blood. The sheep would not be able to seat- it cannot turn its head back to see its tail, it keeps eating the grass, because somehow it is weak. And the vulture stays sitting there also. Not firm enough to fly away, just sitting there in its darkness. This is the kind of ‘invasion-prey’ they succeeded. Chi sis a dreadful ting, and we see this in so many areas. “
46.20 “Prime Creator, what can be done for this race, this Nephilimic race that has bene used to this abuse system? To me, either they have to start all over again, reconfigure their entire mind structures, take it apart piece by piece, bash it out, find anything- any essence of good in it, and use that, yes, but anything that’s got this far…is there still a possibility of a redemption, any kind of goodness? -No, this is the place we have got to, this is the end of the road, isn’t it- you? You have come to the end cycle and you are sticking there with your ‘tenacity’ which is more than that…”
47.16 I command Prime Creator: “Show me what I can do with and for this being. - that we can do what i do for my mother, for this being. - That we give this being its essence of origin, before it was so dark and so broken and sullied. I request : we are in this business of re-formation. I call these sessions the ‘activating Human Potential’, and it is discovered that it is not just the humans who need to be activated; all those who have wrought dark havoc, have so forgotten their original essence. Everything originated from the God- the One Source Creator, the Prime Creation Essence of all. There is this ‘remedy’ for all of us: all of us may turn towards that goodness and the love.”
48.30 “How can we show these entities , can we give them remembrance of where they came from? Is it a possibility, being where they are currently? If we give that as a ‘flash moment’: is this the ‘Solar Flash’?”
“It is the flash into the Source. If these entities, who have put themselves so very far for the Source of Love, receive information, energetic information of their origin, it will be so very vastly different. What would happen? It’s like putting an enormous electrical current down an old wire- old wiring in a house, it will blast these open. It will blast these entities into non-existence. It almost feels softer and kinder, to just literally do what I have done before with these entities, and jut open portal and place them in it, and they go back into the soft bosom of Source Energy, and just dissolved, dissolved. Exploded feels violent. I will ask them.”
50.12 “Do you se my quandary here? In this current path, you seek to harm; I really cannot allow that. If I saw any human hurting another human for bad- an adult to a child, and adult to an animal, adult to adult, I would do my utmost to come in there, and enable fairness and goodness to prevail. In the same way, I cannot allow you to continue in this way. You and your kind, you know that you are at the end of your days. People like myself- many of us are there- start to disobey you, disagree with you and dispose of you. I could allow…..good! I could ask Prime Creator to show you you true essence, and I fear it may blast you apart, but it would be amount of goodness and glory and beauty for you, before you disappear into the ether, in dissolution. Or, we would quietly, softly take you back into the creator, darkly, numbly- the dark like a night time, not a ‘dark active’, and let your quantities of energy be brought back into eh swirling form of Source Infinite Creation- in the ‘recycling bin’ we call it. Which of those two would you go for? You scaley one, you wish to have ‘the Bright’. Well, that’s a good choice. I know, even in that moment, that you dissolve, your Will may still make a decision, because w make decisions the split moment. I suspect, that if you make a decision that is to ‘God- Love’ , you may still retain your Soul Essence, you may re-build it. I do believe that’s true.”
52.30 “Ad you, dark entity, you say you just wish to be recycled? Then I open portal for you right now. You may go and walk through it. We have no more need of you in our presence, thank you. Goodbye.”
53.00 “Now, you scaly one, let us witness this moment with you- to an extent it is your own private moment. Unless you, my mother have enough energy to ask questions of this one. All the moments are in the book.”
53.35 Now we have the stone giant, almost holding my mother’s hand, myself and the entity in its cage. I use the count down to reveal the entity’s original Source Essence.
I see a dragon in the light. I turn to my mother, who needs to sleep. And I end my session.
I will upload the full description tomorrow. I wanted to post this useful guide as soon as possible for your inspiration.
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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
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