BRICS A Great Debate, a False Narrative & Monumental Misunderstanding. Beware of Pro BRICS Narrative

9 months ago

BRICS, The Great Debate, a False Narrative & a Monumental Misunderstanding. Beware of Pro BRICS Narrative
BRICS State of the Nations
The Fate of the BRICS Alliance is one of the MOST IMPORTANT issues of our time.
Unfortunately even very smart Conservative Patriots like Harley Schlanger completely misunderstood the True Full Significance of what it all means.
I not only completely disagree with his conclusions, I disagree with the Entire Foundation upon which it is based.
This is an extremely important subject. And far to many do not understand the Truth. I feel the need to explain why THEY ARE ALL WRONG. I am thus working on a video to cover this subject in depth.
But until then, I highly recommend that you watch this video to understand the current state of the BRICS Alliance and the Pro BRICS position of misled Conservatives.
To grasp the full context of this issue, you must understand every side of the argument.
Unfortunately, Harley Schlanger and LaRoushePac is MISSING HALF of the entire subject.
So yes. By all means watch this. But understand that you should Not be agreeing with his conclusions.
Stay Tuned for my video. And I will blow his Narrative completely out of the water.
@OratorBlog 8-26-2023
The Glass House is Shattered, Rebuild with the BRICS
Harley Schlanger
Streamed live 4 hours ago
The LaRouche Organization
Join Harley Schlanger and Mike Robinson for the LIVE discussion! Online Live Video 2pm EDT/11am PDT. Send in your questions to:
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