Sentinels of the Multiverse - Young Captain Thunder Unlock

10 months ago

This is one of the more annoying unlocks, but if you're willing to use heroes from the other set, it can become a lot more tolerable.

Our objective is to fight Omega here either at Terminus or Freedom City (I believe the former is faster), allow 6 breaches to enter play, then come from behind and win. Be mindful that if there are 6 breaches in play at the start of Omega's turn, he auto-wins. Terminus can play breaches during the environment turn, so you may want to use Parse (or RC Wraith) to keep an eye on that.

Parse is here to watch both Omega's and Terminus's decks so I can dodge the 6 breach auto-win for him. From there, I want to use Crit Multi to stack the other heroes, namely Haka, so they can either destroy certain breaches, hold the fodder hostage, or get ready for when the crap hits the fan.

Tempest is here for two functions. The first is that he can provide much needed healing with Cleansing Downpour. Other than that, he can Reclaim from the Deep so we can cycle Ground Pound and Grease Gun for indefinite invulnerability. The damage output here is so high that I recommend you have all three here to simplify things.

Haka has one main function here, which is to use Savage Mana to grab the annoying targets and take them out of rotation. Crit Multi helps him set up for this, and once I have the cards I need in play, I need to cycle Ground Pounds to block the absurd levels of damage here.

Mr. Fixer is needed for Grease Gun and a few other shenanigans. With Driving Mantis, I can redirect loads of chip damage into enemies to set them up for Haka. The tools can help with either executes, damage reduction, and the like. Most importantly though is that I can drop Grease Guns (especially out of turn!) to block loads of damage.

Captain Thunder is needed in the anchor position here to get the most out of his power. Fixer's turn immediately ends upon playing Grease Gun, so I can use Captain's power to play it out of turn to negate that drawback. Beyond this, he can provide team DR, bits of healing, and other utility. Whenever one of the other heroes fall a little short, he gives them a second chance to complete their function, which works wonders.

Overall, I am surprised that this is not really a scenario where TL or AA help, but truth be told, you need a much stronger defensive setup here that the two of them struggle a bit to achieve. If you could cycle Hypersonic Assaults, you could probably work TL into this, but you do have to worry about the chip damage adding up too quickly.

In the end, we manage to get the unlock as well as the achievement for beating him without flipping him. Luckily, Parse has loads of utility to offer for both objectives, so I strongly recommend bringing her along.

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