Three Days and Three Nights? The Sign of the Messiah... Exactly How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb?

1 year ago

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Easter is a time when many choose to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. There will be Easter Egg hunts and sunrise services, though few understand the origin of these popular and well-loved traditions. However, as many who consider themselves Christian gather to observe the various parts of what is often called Passion Week, including Good Friday and Easter Sunday, little do they know that they will be engaging in one specific tradition that actually CONTRADICTS the one sign Jesus said would prove He was the Messiah!

Was Jesus the Messiah, or wasn’t He? One Easter tradition denies that He is! What do you say? Join us now on Tomorrow’s World, as we examine Three Days, Three Nights, and One Messiah. Stay tuned!

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World!

When it comes to the calendar of sacred days that is observed by most professing Christians in the world, Christmas tends to get most of the attention, but Easter is often considered by many to be the holiest day of the year and they day when they celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On today’s program, we’re going to examine one aspect of Easter more closely than you’ve probably ever done before—an element of the Easter celebration that everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ MUST understand… though, in fact, it is understood by very few.

We’ll also give you an opportunity to request this beautiful and informative free booklet, Easter: The Untold Story. Be ready to take down the information that will appear periodically on your screen so that can request your own free copy.

But here at the beginning of our program, let me absolutely clear about two facts:

First, Jesus Christ DID rise from the dead. While proving that would be a great topic for another program, for any neutral-minded observer willing to look at the testimony of history, the lives of the Apostles, and what was recorded of the events of Jesus’ life and ministry, the conclusion is clear: Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead exactly as He foretold He would be. He IS the Son of God—our Savior, and our soon-to-return King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We proclaim that truth routinely here on Tomorrow’s World.

But let me just as clear about the second fact: the observance of Easter is not what many suppose it to be.

We need to be willing to ask ourselves where many of the traditions and customs associated with Easter come from. There’s no harm in asking, is there?

For instance, where does the association with an Easter Bunny that lays Easter Eggs come from? It certainly isn’t the Bible. But if not the Bible, where? In many languages around the world, the name of Easter celebrations is taken from the biblical Passover, even though they are completely different observances. In English, though, the word “Easter” is used—a word not seen anywhere in the Bible, save for a single verse in the King James Version that is almost universally recognized as a mistranslation of the Greek word for “Passover.” So, if the English word “Easter” did not come from the Bible, where did it come from?

What of other customs associated with Easter—hot cross buns, for instance? Or the fertility customs of some European countries?

For anyone willing to research the topic, the facts on these customs are clear. Most of these customs do not originate in Christianity, but from paganism.

As Evangelist Gerald Weston says so plainly in today’s free booklet.

“The pagan origin and celebration of Easter is a major problem for professing Christianity, but it is only part of the problem. In addition to blending pagan customs and traditions into the worship of the true God, contrary to His command, we find that even the part of Easter that supposedly comes from the Bible is terribly flawed…”

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